Data types in HL7 Message
Group | Data type Code | Data Type Name |
Alphanumeric | ||
ST | String | |
TX | Text Data | |
FT | Formatted text | |
Numerical | CQ | Composite Quantity with Units |
MO | Money | |
NM | Numeric | |
SI | Sequence | |
SN | Structured Number | |
Identifier | ||
ID | Coded values from HL7 Look up List | |
IS | Coded values from user defined | |
HD | Hierarchic designator | |
EI | Entity identifier | |
RP | Reference pointer | |
PL | Person location | |
PT | Processing type | |
Date and Time | DT | Date Only |
TM | Time Only | |
TS | Time Stamp | |
Code Values | CE | Coded Element |
CF | Coded element with formatted values | |
TN | Telephone Number | |
XAD | Extended Address | |
XPN | Extended Person Name | |
XON | Extended composite name and ID number for organizations | |
XTN | Extended telecommunications number | |
Examples :
1. Example for TS Date and Time data type in MSH Segment as follows
MSH|^~\&|aaa|My CLINICAL LAB|aaa|A232|201309050000||ORU^R01||P|2.3|
Other Examples :
20040822143045 [indicates date/time of Aug. 22, 2004 2:30 PM and 45 seconds]
20040822143045-0800 [indicates date/time of Aug. 22, 2004 2:30 PM and 45 seconds PST]
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