Saturday, 20 April 2013

EDI 270–5010 Documentation - ISA – Interchange Control Header



ISA – Interchange Control Header  

The ISA is a fixed record length segment and all positions within each of the data elements must be filled. The first element separator defines the  element separator to be used through the entire interchange. The segment terminator used after the ISA defines the segment terminator to be used throughout the entire interchange.This results in the segment terminator always being in position 106.

PMS Product Reference


  Seg ID Segment Name Format Length Ref# Req Value
Header ISA Interchange Control Header 3 R ISA
Element Separator AN 1 *
ISA01 Authorization information qualifier ID 2/2 101 R 00 or 03 See below for more information
Element Separator AN 1 *
  ISA02 Authorization information AN 10/10 102 R Will contain User ID if ISA01 is 03.
Will Contain 10 Empty spaces if ISA01 is 00
    Element Separator AN 1     *
  ISA03 Security information qualifier ID 2/2 103 R Will Contain 01 if ISA01 is 03.
Will Contain 00 if ISA01 Is 00.
    Element Separator AN 1     *
  ISA04 Security information AN 10/10 104 R Will contain Password if ISA01 is 03.
Will Contain 10 Empty spaces if ISA01 is 00
    Element Separator AN 1     *
  ISA05 Interchange ID Qualifier ID 2/2 105 R ZZ
    Element Separator AN 1     *
  ISA06 Interchange Sender ID AN 2/15 106 R See below for more information
    Element Separator AN 1     *
  ISA07 Interchange ID Qualifier ID 2/2 105 R 01
    Element Separator AN 1     *
  ISA08 Interchange Receiver ID AN 15/15 107 R See below for more information
    Element Separator AN 1     *
  ISA10 Interchange Time TM 4/4 109 R Current Time in HHMM Format
    Element Separator AN 1     *
  ISA11 Repetition Separator ID 1/1 110 R ^
    Element Separator AN 1     *
  ISA12 Interchange Control Version Number ID 5/5 111 R 00501
    Element Separator AN 1     *
  ISA13 Interchange Control Number NO 9/9 112 R 000000001 (See below for more info)
    Element Separator AN 1     *
  ISA14 Acknowledgement required          
    Element Separator AN 1     *
  ISA15 Usage indicator ID 1/1 114 R P or T (See below for more details)
    Element Separator AN 1     *
  ISA16 Component Element Separator   1/1 115 R : (semi colon). this value must be different than the data element separator and the segment terminator
    Element Separator AN 1     *


ISA*00*          *00*          *ZZ*8431           *ZZ*ZIRMED         *130215*1234*^*00501*000000001*1*P*:~

Important Note on the above sample:
Since ISA is fixed length segment, even though if no values are present, we need to fill up empty spaces. Here ISA02 is filled with 10 empty spaces.

Since ISA is fixed length segment, even though if no values are present, we need to fill up empty spaces. Here ISA04 is filled with 10 empty spaces.

Since ISA is fixed length segment, if the value is not 15 characters length, then we need to append empty space to make 15 characters string.

Since ISA is fixed length segment, if the value is not 15 characters length, then we need to append empty space to make 15 characters string.

Segment Structure  


Sample 2
ISA*03*id27032743*01*XYXY2233  *ZZ*XX09211223     *01*030240928      *130829*1102*^*00501*290811021*0*T*:~

User Name and Password
In some clearing house, they might ask to send the user name and password along with each EDI file. That's what Authorization information Information refer ISA01, ISA02,ISA03 and ISA04.  After you sign up with the clearing house, ask your user name and password to send along the EDI File if they need.  In such case, ISA01 will have the value"03" , ISA02 will have the user id, ISA03 will have the value "01" and ISA04 will have the actual password. Very important, since ISA is fixed length segment, and ISA02 is 10 character, so if your user id is less than 10 characters, then you need to append empty spaces to make it as 10 character word.
Sample with the User id and Password.


Segment Structure  

ISA01 - Authorization Information Qualifier
Code to identify the type of information in the Authorization Information
Code Definition
00 No Authorization information Present(No Meaningful information in 102). Advised unless security requirements Mandate use of Additional identification information.
03 Additional Data Identification.


ISA03 - Security Information Qualifier
Code to identify the type of information in the Security information qualifier

Code Definition
00 No Security information Present(No Meaningful information in 104). Advised unless security requirements Mandate use of password data.
01 Password


ISA05, ISA07- Interchange ID Qualifier
Code to identify the type of information in the Security information qualifier

Code Definition
01 Duns(Dun & BradStreet)
14 Duns Plus Suffix
20 Health Industry Number (HIN)
27 Carrier Identification Number
28 Fiscal Intermediary Identification Number.
29 Medicare Provider and Supplier Identification Number
30 U.S Federal Tax Identification Number
33 National Association Of Insurance Commissioners Company Code (NAIC)
ZZ Mutually Defined

ISA06 – Interchange Sender ID
During the sign up process with clearing house, they will assign a unique ID to the software vendor. So in the practice information setup, software should have a option to enter this value. This is mandatory for all the EDI Files, without this ID, clearing house will not be able to process the file.

ISA08 – Interchange Receiver ID
During the sign up process with clearing house, they will provide this value. Usually, this will be clearing house name. So in the practice information setup, software should have a option to enter this value. This is mandatory for all the EDI Files, without this ID, clearing house will not be able to process the file.

ISA13 – Interchange Control Number
Control Number assigned by the Sender for tracking purpose. This number must be identical to the Interchange Trailer IEA02. Ever time
when creating the EDI File, software can generate a unique number to identify the batch for later case to track. 

ISA14 - Acknowledgment Requested.

Code Definition
0 No Acknowledgment Requested
1 Interchange Acknowledgement Requested

Default to 0. In some cases, if the software vendor integrated to clearing house via web services. then we can ask the clearing house to send the acknowledgment for each EDI File batches.

ISA15 – Usage Indicator.

Code Definition
P Production Data
T Test Data

After the  sign up process with clearing house, they will ask the software vendor to send sample files with different use cases. In such cases, all the files should be send as Test Data. So in the practice information setup, software should have this option to select. Once test files are approved, then software admin can change this value to Production.



Questions or feedback are always welcome.

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